Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Paxton may be turning over a new leaf

Last Wednesday I woke up and Paxton was not in his bed. This is cause for panic. The week before him and Brynn snuck downstairs and covered almost every surface on the main level in black marker. Including the furniture, not just the magic eraser-able walls! So when he was not asleep upstairs I was panicked. I hate waking up to stuff like that, it ruins the whole day. I had remembered him coming in to snuggle about an hour earlier. When I checked his bed and he wasn't there, I headed down to see what destruction awaited me. This is what I found.

What a relief, he was just snoozing on the couch. Much like he is right this very minute. The whole week as been just like this. Not with the sleeping on the couch thing, but relaxing. He has been so well behaved. He only goes to time out for minor things, like yelling or getting to excited and hitting or spitting here and there, but nothing major. I have not had to fix any major catastrophes in a while. It is quite a welcomed change. Now Brynn is the naughty one. What are you going to do? You can't skip the terrible twos!

Making a little craft project out of cleaning up a mess Brynn made!

I just wanted to throw this pic of Eth in because it is too funny not to. A little back ground. My aunt Leigh Anne is an Uppercase Living distributor. So my house is full of it of course! This is Ethan ULing his fruit by the foot!

1 comment:

Stef, Joe and Kade said...

Weird... Pax looks like Kade when he is asleep!! I love Eth ULing the wall. PS - I cannot wait for craft night!! OH MAN!!