Monday, June 29, 2009

Father's day

So on Father's day we made a day trip to the Dunes! I had to try out my new boots I got the day before! I rode the new bike the whole day and I loved it. Kyle borrowed his friends bike, so he wasn't stuck on four wheels. I now can start it while it's in first gear! I don't have to find neutral everytime I kill it! I actually learned how to turn it. In general we just had a very good day! I didn't actually give Kyle his present till Tuesday night. Well really it was my mom's present but the kids made it. They made him a custom dune flag that says 'super dad' and put all their hand prints on it. I only have one pic right now. I will post the finished product as soon as possible. The Motor home is currently at BMW getting the slide worked on, because it broke the next weekend, and the flag is in there!

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