Friday, April 25, 2008

So is Ethan

All my kids love to pose for the camera. I think a lot of kids are the same way. Here are some recent pics of Ethan cheesing it up for the camera!

Ethan always pulls out the rock star fingers or the peace sign when posing for a photograph. I am actually trying to get a picture of the foam letter stuck to his head!

More posing like a rock star! I am so glad I got him that shirt at Steve and Barry's that says rock star. I think he thinks he truly is one, already.

There, I got it the 'e' on his head!

Apparently Dad isn't the only one excited about that stupid Jeep making some progress!


c-dog said...

That jeep is really cool

Meet the Falkners said...

Many people are excited for the jeep to be done! We are! Woo Hoo!