Thursday, May 14, 2009

Mothers Day

Well better late then never! I got my presents from my boys early this year. Paxton gave me his on Thursday after school. He made me a vase and flower with his picture on it! Ethan gave me his on Friday after school. He gave me a card that said he loved me and it made me cry like a baby. Of course I was sleep deprived from working the night before but I am pretty sure I would of cried anyway! He also won the Altara Power Award, for being a good citizen and doing quality school work, that day so I was already emotional! We had a fantastic Mother's day. I had to work on Saturday night so I got home at about 8am. Kyle got the kids up and ready to go and didn't wake me up until 10:30. He gave me my present that he had won at Boondocks the night before. It made my day because even though we are totally dirt poor he still got me a gift! So stinking cute. I had to hurry and make a quick craft for Jane's present so I did that and we were off to Park City. We had brunch (really lunch) at the Eating Establishment. It was so tasty, I had veggie eggs benedict. Instead of ham it had tomato, avacodo, mushrooms and onions. It was dang tasty! Kyle got to see an 6-8 year old girl breast feeding. He even took a pic so all the rest of us could look as well. He said he was having a hard time not staring but I think he did a pretty good job and he kept his omelet down, so I have to give him props for that! I am sorry, but that is seriously nasty! After our tasty meal and Kyle getting scarred for life, we went to the Banjo and hung out downstairs and played pinball. The boys really thought that was cool. After the Banjo we headed back to Jane's where I slept until almost 5. Best Mother's Day present ever! When I woke up we all headed down to Grandma Whites' to hang out and have some yummy chicken salad and pie! It was an awesome relaxing day, the whole day Paxton just kept telling me and Jane, "Happy Mofers Day" and giving us huge hugs and kisses. We got home and the boys learned how to actually make a basket in the hoop! Ethan was so proud of himself he had to call Joe to tell him how good he was and that he should probably join his team! All in all it was a great Mother's day. My mom was out of town so I still have to make her gift, yes I know it was almost a week ago! I hope everyone else had a day as great as mine!!!

My presents... the card from Eth, the flower and vase from Packy, and my pink bat ring from Kyle and Brynn

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