Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Sand Hollow

We spent the weekend at Sand Hollow. It was a blast. The kids were well behaved almost the entire weekend! They got to play in the lake, and dig in the dirt. I got to lay around and be lazy! I took a nap in the sand, and actually did a little riding. I don't know why but I am never really up for riding when I am at the sand dunes. It made it way worse that I had never been there before. I hate not knowing where I am going. I did get a pretty good jump session in though! I just really wish I had my own bike and some riding gear. I hate wearing jeans while riding and Kyle's bike burns the shit out of me so I have to wear pants. All in all it was a good weekend. No one got hurt or broke anything!

Get a Toyota stuck and the kids will play for hours. The sand is so soft!

Ethan and Jacob..best buds having a snack!

My kids rarely play well together. This photo is a rare gem.

Not sand hollow but cute none the less. Freshly bathed and ready for bed after a long dirty weekend!

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