Monday, June 30, 2008


It has been a while since I have posted. Summer is just plain crazy for us. Since we think that we have to spend every night that we don't have to work in the motor home. We have gone out too many times to list. I love that thing, and since it is the only vehicle we have a payment on I feel like I need to get my monies worth! I have a TON of pics that I want to share so you should be seeing them shortly. Plus I started a new job, that I love BTW. I have been training in the days for the last two weeks so I really haven't had a chance to get on and blog.I started nights this week, well last night actually. I had to work twelve hours from 7p-7a... that sucked bad. I slept until 3 something this afternoon. (My kids went to Polly's) Thankfully I don't have to do that very often. I normally only work from 8-12. Which shouldn't be so bad since I am usually up till 11 something anyway. I work in the NICU at Primary. I answer phones and put in doctors orders. I also help the nurses with anything they need. It is a fun place and so far everyone seems really nice. I am having problems getting images to load today, so hopefully I will have some up shortly. Well I am off to get ready for work and make some dinner!

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